Plan Your Trip According To The Ongoing Japanese Festival

2 min read

You must plan your trip to Japan based on three things. These are the time in your hand, the time of your visit and of course, the specific Japanese festival during those times. Ideally, you must visit Japan during the springtime because the weather and the temperature both are pleasant. It means you must visit Japan during March and April. You may also visit in January and February for a pleasant winter vacation. There are different big and small festivals in Japan based on a specific theme, lots of different food, games and entertainment. In January and February, Yuki Matsuri, is the festival to watch for which is also known as “Sapporo snow festival.

Festivals in March

An important Japanese festival in March is the Omizutori festival. This is also referred to as ‘sacred water-drawing’ festival. This festival lasts for about two weeks. This is a festival organized in the city of Nara. This is actually a Buddhist festival and involves cleansing the people of their sins. It also marks the spring brought to the new year. when this festival is over, it is time for the cherry blossom season to bloom. Therefore, when you plan your Japan trip around this festival, you get to experience both at one go.

Kanamara Matsuri in April

This is a rather weird festival of Japan held in April. If you want to experience this infamous ‘penis festival, held in Kawasaki, Tokyo, visit here on the first Sunday of April. This annual event has gained recognition internationally with a wide coverage across all social media platforms. Though there are different stories of origination of this festival, this is an interesting event to witness the unique parade of some giant penises in the streets. With the vendors selling phallic-shaped goods and sweets, it is a time for fun, and of course booze.


John Anderson: John, a luxury travel blogger, provides reviews of luxury resorts, tips for planning upscale vacations, and insights into travel trends. His blog is a go-to resource for those seeking the finest travel experiences.

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